
Letter from Australia

This is a weekly update from Australia, written by a person who has a tendency to ramble (one of the main features of bloggers, maybe?). Inspired by the one and only Alistair Cooke, recently departed in April 2004, age 95.

Friday, September 17, 2004


The person of the land
Worries for today
Tomorrow is too distant
So let the music play
The man works in stops and starts
He hunts to hunger’s pain
He repose when it is time
And trusts in nature’s rain
The lady eyes with watchful gaze
Ancient tradition she strives to keep
She seeks the best for her beloved tribe
In strife, woman does not weep
The children are blessed with plenty
Energy-filled, abandoning care
Full of life, mucking about
Dancing with Danger’s dare
The people and the land
For centuries each other befriend
In union hand in hand
May this mateship never end!

posted by T  # 10:09 PM
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