The eyes of the criminal, hard and cold
Some say it is learned; others say such evil is old
Indeed good and bad are ancient as days of sin
Yet the heart of man struggles with free choice within
Tempting the tempted once again
The lure of power, the opportunity to reign
Over another, if not the divine itself
The man who inherits all the earth desires more wealth
Puny successes bring heightened cheer
Sheer failure to control self is only too clear
On what grounds would man claim to desire
Any greater mandate consummated by fire?
Trends may be trendy, and hands handy
Yet will the mind be mindful, and the conscience conscientious?
Stewards wear eyes that are not their own
Imprisoned by blindness, of purpose and reason
Abuse from boredom, or from malnourishment
Of spirit, helpless and powerless victims of illusion
Denying alikeness, the civil war of humanity
Casts out brothers in the name of expediency
Or ownership, or right, even truth!
Will old age conquer the folly of youth?
Madness possesses wardrobes varied and large
In science’s guise of tools and herbs, man feigns God’s justice